Living Low Sodium on 21.6 TheNet

Through the support of 21.6 TheNet Internet Radio, I have a show every other week on Saturdays at 11 a.m. Central Time. 

Each week we discuss different low sodium topics in detail. Having to change your entire lifestyle in an instant is not an easy task. This is my way of trying to help others navigate through the trials and tribulations of being low sodium.

First and foremost this is an internet radio show. However, we broadcast video live as well with the wonderful world of YouTube and Facebook Live. The show is an ever evolving work in progress. Never in my wildest thoughts did I imagine people would want to listen to me yammer on about low sodium diets for an hour!

Let me know if you have any suggestions, topics, or questions you want covered on the show.

Please bare with me as I am still uploading all the videos and connecting the links to the show titles below.

My Loso Lifestyle – Living Low Sodium

Kids Meals

Dining Out

Making Time To Cook


Diets and Doctors

Getting Used To Salt

Holiday Eating

Dips Sides and Potlucks

Reading Labels and Grocery Shopping

Canning and Freezing Food

What Is Healthy

Herbs and Spice

2019 Recap

Holistic Healing with Guest Dr. Ronald Masukawa D.C., F.I.A.M.A.

Breads and Milling Fresh Flour with Guest Kim Nordin of Joyfully Well

My Journey, My Lifestyle

What’s In My Pantry

Some Salt, No Salt, Shortcuts?


What If You Can’t Cook


15-Minute Meals


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